Monday, July 4, 2016

Lesson 11

Is it Lesson 11 already? Time sure flies when you work very hard.

Anyway, I did Worksheet A and only got one wrong on the quiz, which isn't too bad considering I have never done slope before in my life.

Post Lesson 8

I did my Life Plan Part 3 as best I could, but it was not really taught in the gathering, so I had to go by what the worksheets said. It's frustrating that most my classmates in the gathering, save the missionaries and the few special classmates, don't seem to care about helping me. Thank goodness for Sister Megan Hansen, as she is one of the best teachers I have ever had for Math, and she is helping me to figure out where I went wrong so I can fix it and keep moving forward.

I managed to get 74% on the same exam, so I will keep redoing it until I do better.

Lesson 9

After trying the Exam yet again, I managed a very sweet 81% and I am happy about it.

Lesson 10

I have been really busy this past weekend with freelance work, but I managed to get everything handed in that was supposed to be handed in.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Lesson 8

Is it really Lesson 8 already? Wow, time goes very fast when you are working as hard as I have been.

I did some of Worksheet A and then I decided to try the quiz and I ended up taking it twice, as I did rather badly the first time. The second time, however, I only got two wrong and I am VERY happy with that, as it amounts to 78% and means I am slowly getting there.

I'll work on the rest of Worksheet A LATER, as it's not due til Wednesday at midnight.

I eventually finished the worksheet and managed to get an 80% on the quiz after six times of taking it and realizing I could do the complex stuff on my calculator.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lesson 7

My printer has no black ink in it currently, so I am doing Worksheet A's problems in a notebook and will probably go get some ink tomorrow. I am supposing that it doesn't matter if I do the work on a sheet or not as long as I get it done, so this way works.

I ended up taking the quiz twice and got 1 wrong each time, which equates to 88%, so I do have a basic understanding of these things, which is fine with me.